This lookout offers a fantastic view over the MacKenzie River as it tumbles over the wide Broken Falls before continuing its descent to the magnificent MacKenzie Falls and then Fish Falls below.
The Broken Falls lookout is accessed via a walking track from the MacKenzie Falls carpark on Wartook Road. An easy stroll through pretty scenery quickly brings you to the viewing platform.
From the Broken Falls viewing platform you can either return to the car park or continue along the track and down to MacKenzie Falls.
Please note that dogs are not allowed in the Grampians National Park except within vehicles on sealed roads and in sealed parking areas.
There are so many gorgeous waterfalls scattered throughout the Grampians National Park. No matter how many times you visit, you will always be able to find something new to explore.
There are countless fantastic walking tracks throughout the Grampians National Park, allowing visitors to explore and appreciate all aspects of this amazing place. From short, scenic strolls to epic multi-day adventures, the Grampians has got it all.
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One of the most action-packed walks of the Grampians National Park is the 2 km walk from the Wonderland Carpark to The Pinnacle. Along the way you will pass the Grand Canyon, Cool Chamber, Bridal Veil Falls and Silent Street before arriving at The Pinnacle for incredible views over Halls Gap and surrounding peaks.More Tips